Que tal juntar frutas e legumes com cinema? Foi o que fez o HORTIFRUTI do Rio de Janeiro.
Em uma campanha super criativa, engraçada e sutil (perceba como tudo se encaixa sem forçar barra nenhuma) eles conseguiram unir universos totalmente diferentes e chamar a atenção de toda a cidade. Sem dúvida nenhuma, criatividade também é o negócio deles. Confira!
Creative Hortifruti Cine are a company with a passion and talent for cinematography. Need to get house painting cost nz and learn more new things for roof painting. We love both writing and shooting films but we are not satisfied by the standard industry standards, so we found ourselves in the position of wanting to do things differently. Creative Hortifruti Cine is here to bridge that gap. We want to be different, we want to be better, and above all else — we want to be creative! Living life as a film producer is one of the best experiences you'll have in your life it's like being an artist but also working with your hands and creating beauty from reality.